Tag Archives: Pop Tarts

Sunshine and Breakfast

Zelda Sheik asked:
For breakfast: A piece cold pizza from the one you got last night when you couldn’t think of anything else to eat, week old cupcakes (a reminder of the extra Birthday you decided to give yourself), or stale pop tarts? And another thing, why does the day break BEFORE the night falls? 😀

Ah! That is a superb question! I feel that it is asked somewhat in jest, however, for I do not see how anyone could not choose Pop Tarts. Honestly, Pop Tarts are one of the world’s greatest inventions. The taste, quantity and even packaging is all figured for the most convenient and perfect of meals. The pastry can be eaten cold, warmed in a microwave, or even toasted–or, on rare occasions, one can harness stray energy from a solar flare. You see, even if the Pop Tart is stale, it can easily be revived with a toaster or blow torch. In regards to order of above foods, I would place Pop Tarts first, followed by cold pizza, and cupcakes in last place. I never thought much of cupcakes. If I am to eat a cake, I don’t want it to look like a muffin.

Well, if the day was not broken, there would be no need for the night to fall. If, in the event of the night falling before the day had broken, one was to see a perfectly good and unbroken day, the night that had fallen would be quite a nuisance. Imagine for a moment that the night had not fallen and the day had not broken, the absence of both day and night would lead one to believe that he had gone crazy. If, on the other hand, things were as they are always to be, that is, a broken day preceding a falling night, the person will be much less likely to see himself as insane. So, I suppose we could say that the order of things are as they are to maintain sanity and peace of mind.

Happy Ides of March!

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