Tag Archives: Movies

On Pastries, Vegetables, and Centipedes

inmyredhead asked:
What do vegetables and pastries have to do with this? ;-p

AAAND… Why did they make a sequel to that disgusting Centipede movie!?!?

Well, Red, I’m glad you asked.  I have a very serious love for Pop Tarts. In fact, I have been accused of loving Pop Tarts too much! Of course, I don’t think that’s even possible. So, what do vegetables and pastries have to do with this? Everything! Let’s employ a simple use of logic. Everyone who is alive stays so by eating, correct? Therefore, sustenance is needed in order to live! Both pastries and vegetables are forms of food. This blog answers potentially life-threatening questions. Therefore, this blog is like food! Thank you, you need not compliment me on my superb use of logic.

As to your question about the Centipede movie… I would assume that the producers made a sequel for one of three reasons.
a) They didn’t make enough money from the first movie to pay recompense for the IQs that the first movie lowered.
b) They were actually forced by a mad scientist to make a terrible movie about his accomplishments.
c) They got drunk one night and decided it would be a good idea to make a sequel.
Personally, I subscribe to option c.

Have a nice, centipede-free life!

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