Tag Archives: McDonalds

The Midlife Crisis

Moni Asked:
Why do people find themselves in a midlife crisis? I mean, why don’t they just stick to what they were doing when they were young?

Hmmm, that’s a good question. I think this is tied in closely to the Peter Pan complex. After all, who really wants to grow up? Once people reach the middle of their lives, or at least the age at which most people are halfway to the grave, they realize that they can no longer play on the jungle gym in McDonalds. They can run around with a stick and pretend it’s a gun, but people would think it rather strange. They might have the option to go back to college, but most likely they have debt, families, and jobs to maintain.  That’s one explanation.

Here’s another idea. I think people have midlife crises because of societally influenced behavior and suppression of humor. I think that some adults have lost their light-hardheartedness. The ability to laugh at nearly any situation, while being tempered by the experience of time, is a valuable skill to have. I think some people have lost that, and instead of laughing, they crash.

Why don’t they stick to what they were doing when they were younger? Who knows.

  1. Maybe they broke both of their femurs in a fluke kite-flying accident and can no longer drive a Zamboni.
  2. Perhaps they got trapped in a Nair factory and are now bald, which effectively ruins their modeling career.
  3. Or maybe they retired young and rich and now they’re bored with their yachts, mansions, and indoor swimming pools.

Those are just some options. 😉

Happy Pi Day!

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