Tag Archives: LOTR

The Road Goes Ever On and On…

Sarah Texas asked:
I have the opportunity to move in the fall. I’ll be living with my agreeable aunt-and-uncle-in-laws and continuing my education. I wish to go, however I will be leaving my family, friends and canine (and all of the comfort that these folk bring). My REAL problem began when I compared my situation to Bilbo Baggins. If I walk out my front door I might make new friends, fight many battles and discover who I am away from the Shire. But then I may be scarred and possessed by the end of my journey. So is it worth the risk?

I love hobbits. They have such a wonderful outlook on life. I mean, they eat 6 meals a day! (When they can get them.) I like change; I’ll be the first to admit it. My advice would be to step out, walk down the road, and see what’s ahead of you. (Metaphorically, of course. Walking is so inconvenient when compared to the modern transportation options of cars or wingsuits.) Since we live an age of technology, I’m sure that you will be able to maintain sufficient contact with your family. You’ll meet new friends, learn new perspectives, and realize the meaning of life (maybe).

As to your comparison to Bilbo Baggins, I doubt that you’ll encounter anything nearly so life-threatening or deadly as trolls or barrow wights. In fact, I think it highly improbable that you shall even see wood elves or find a Ruling Ring. I have, however, been known to be wrong at times. I’d encourage you to go forward, but I’ll let Mr. Baggins have the honor:

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

Happy 1969th birthday to the poet, Ovid!

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