Tag Archives: History

Time Traveling

Matthew asked:
Is time travel possible? And if so, how?

Well, Matthew, many things in this world are possible. Time travel is one of those topics that many have pondered: HG Wells, Charles Dickens, whoever came in second on American Idol last season… In fact, even I have pondered the capabilities my own self to travel through time. In my ramblings of thought, something rather intriguing occurred to me. What if I was to travel into the future and meet myself. Would I know if I was coming? Just a thought.

Really, though, I don’t think that time travel exists. If it does, then it doesn’t function in the manner that we think it might. Let me give you three reasons why time travel cannot exist.

  1. The lack of pet dinosaurs. If time travel was possible, then we would have pet dinosaurs. Even if scientists wanted to keep the time traveling technology hidden, I’m sure they would come up with an excuse for the existence of dinosaur pets: Lost World, Jurassic Park, aliens…
  2. The existence of arguments on the origins of the earth and natural history. If time travel exists, then surely somebody would have used it by now to settle the arguments on the source of life, the reason there’s a rock with viking inscriptions on it in Minnesota, and how Stonehenge was built.
  3. The popularity of the Twilight series. I don’t know how many of my readers are Twilight fans, but if you’re reading this and you are, then I’m sorry (not really). If time travel existed, then I think that towards the top of my list would be the action of removing the intellect-killing,emotion-filled, faux literature known as the Twilight series.

I think that pretty much sums it up. Is time travel possible? Possibly. Maybe I have it all wrong. Maybe that’s why Twilight, Snuggies, and Justin Beiber are popular. If so, then let’s hope that the powers-at-be don’t get anymore bright ideas.

Oh, you asked how. I’m not sure you can beat Doctor Who’s take on the situation: “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.”

Happy Monday!

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