Tag Archives: Cats

Socially Conflicted Cat Question Conundrum

The Cat Lady asked:

Dear Assorted Pastries,
Over the past few months, I have had to stop myself every time I want to post a status to Facebook because all my statuses would be about my cat or about how much I love warm, cute, and fuzzy creatures. I have refrained because of the suspicion that my repeated posts of this nature would annoy the people who would read my statuses. However, I suspect some imbalance in my nature because of the consistent theme of what I want to post. I would like to project a more balanced life to my friends. Do you have any suggestions about other things I can post about in my statuses?
Sincerely, Cat Lady

In an attempt to connect with the cat lady, I have included the pseudo-hand-written response below.

Happy 57th anniversary of the approval of the Polio Vaccine!

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