Jelly Beans, Zombies, and Pretty Cars

Zelda Sheik asked:
What is your opinion of buttered popcorn jelly beans vs. jalapeno jelly beans? 😀

It is a well-established fact that Jelly Belly’s  buttered popcorn jelly bean is the worst food item in creation. I’m not really sure how the jalapeño bean could be any worse–unless it is somehow a derivative of the buttered popcorn flavor. If you’re not completely convinced on my stand on this issue, let me create a little example. Imagine that you’re a person who found the cure to cancer, won gold in the Olympics 17 times, and became the Forbes richest person of all time. On top of that, you own a unicorn, have genetically modified house pets that can talk, and you drive a car that looks something like the pretty red one above.

One day, you wake up and discover that you were delusional, and all of your wonderful accomplishments and possessions are fake. That is what it’s like to eat a buttered popcorn jelly bean. Now, as to your question on the comparison of  buttered popcorn vs  jalapeño, I really don’t think the  jalapeño could even come close in terms of atrociousness. To be honest here, I actually have never had a  jalapeño Jelly Belly. You have inspired me, however, to try one.

Note to any freshmen that may be reading this: the buttered popcorn jelly bean is not to be microwaved. Only real popcorn. The little flame guys hate the jelly beans almost as much as I do. There’s no telling what would happen, but I have a feeling zombies and major apocalyptic wars would be involved.


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